Concurrent Programming in fsharp using Hopac (Part-I)
Enabling developers to write concise code in solving complex problems is one of the significant characteristics of functional programming. The conciseness is mostly due to the abstractions provided by the functional programming language.
Can we apply these abstractions and write concurrent programs with ease?
We are going to find the answer to this question by writing concurrent programs in fsharp using the Hopac library.
What is Hopac
Hopac is a fsharp library that provides a programming model inspired by John Reppy's Concurrent ML language. Other languages that offer similar or related models include Racket, Clojure core.async, and Go.
The essence of Hopac is lightweight threads, called jobs, and flexible lightweight synchronous message passing via channels (and other messaging primitives) - Hopac Programming model
Development Setup
We are going to make use of fsharp script file in this blog post to explore Hopac.
As a first step, initialise paket either manually or using forge, which automates the manual setup.
> forge paket init
Then add the Hopac library using paket.
> paket add Hopac
After installing, create a fsharp script file and refer the Hopac library
#r "packages/Hopac/lib/net45/Hopac.Core.dll"
#r "packages/Hopac/lib/net45/Hopac.Platform.dll"
#r "packages/Hopac/lib/net45/Hopac.dll"
open Hopac
The "Hello World" Job
The type Job is the core programming model of Hopac that represents a lightweight thread of execution.
We can create Job<'x>
in Hopac by using its JobBuilder aka job
computation expression.
let helloWorldJob = job {
printfn "Hello, World!"
We can then run this job using the run function.
run helloWorldJob
Executing the above code in F# Interactive will produce the following output
> run helloWorldJob;;
Hello, World!
val it : unit = ()
function starts running the given job and then blocks the current thread waiting for the job to either return successfully or
is mainly provided for conveniently running Hopac code from F# Interactive and can also be used as an entry point to the Hopac runtime in console applications. - Hopac Documentation.
A Time Consuming Job
Now we know how to create and run jobs in Hopac. As a next step, let's define a job
that takes some time for its computation.
We are going to simulate this delay by using the timeOutInMillis
function from Hopac that delays the computation for the provided milliseconds.
let longerHelloWorldJob = job {
do! timeOutMillis 2000
printfn "Hello, World!"
If we run this new job with the F# Interactive timer on, we can see that the execution of this function takes two seconds (or 2000 milliseconds).
#time "on"
run longerHelloWorldJob
#time "off"
--> Timing now on
Hello, World!
Real: 00:00:02.003, CPU: 00:00:00.006, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0
val it : unit = ()
--> Timing now off
Running Concurrent Jobs
To run multiple jobs concurrently, we first need multiple jobs. So, let's create a new function createJob
that takes a job id (to differentiate the jobs) and the job's computation time as its parameters and return the newly created job
// int -> int -> Job<unit>
let createJob jobId delayInMillis = job {
printfn "starting job:%d" jobId
do! timeOutMillis delayInMillis
printfn "completed job:%d" jobId
With the help of this createJob
function, we can create multiple jobs with different computation time.
// Job<unit> list
let jobs = [
createJob 1 4000
createJob 2 3000
createJob 3 2000
If we run these job sequentially, it will take nine seconds (9000 milliseconds) to complete. To make it run concurrently and complete the execution in four seconds (4000 milliseconds), we can leverage the conIgnore function from Hopac
function creates a job that runs all of the jobs as separate concurrent jobs and then waits for all of the jobs to finish. The results of the jobs are ignored.
// Job<unit>
let concurrentJobs = Job.conIgnore jobs
Let's verify this concurrent behaviour
#time "on"
run concurrentJobs
#time "off"
--> Timing now on
starting job:3
starting job:1
starting job:2
completed job:3
completed job:2
completed job:1
Real: 00:00:04.007, CPU: 00:00:00.013, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0
val it : unit = ()
--> Timing now off
Awesome! We just witnessed the power of Hopac for the very first time and saved five seconds in execution!
A Real World Example
As the last example of this blog post, let's have a look at a modified real-world use case from my previous project.
Let's assume that we are building a home page of a product in an e-commerce portal which displays the product along with its reviews. The product details are stored in a database, and the reviews of the product are stored in an external system. The requirement is to write an API that pulls the data from the both these sources, merge it and send it back to the client.
If we model this use case using Hopac Jobs, we would have a function to retrieve the product from the database.
type Product = {
Id : int
Name : string
// int -> Job<Product>
let getProduct id = job {
// Delay in the place of DB query logic for brevity
do! timeOutMillis 2000
return {Id = id; Name = "My Awesome Product"}
Another function to retrieve the product reviews from an external system
type Review = {
ProductId : int
Author : string
Comment : string
// int -> Job<Review list>
let getProductReviews id = job {
// Delay in the place of an external HTTP API call
do! timeOutMillis 3000
return [
{ProductId = id; Author = "John"; Comment = "It's awesome!"}
{ProductId = id; Author = "Sam"; Comment = "Great product"}
The final piece is writing another function that merges the results from these two functions. Like the async
computation expression in fsharp, in the job
computation expression, we can use the let!
binding to retrieve the output (or result) of a job.
type ProductWithReviews = {
Id : int
Name : string
Reviews : (string * string) list
// int -> Job<ProductWithReviews>
let getProductWithReviews id = job {
let! product = getProduct id // <1>
let! reviews = getProductReviews id // <2>
return { // <3>
Id = id
Name = product.Name
Reviews = reviews |> (fun r -> r.Author,r.Comment)
<1> retrieves Product
from the Job<Product>
<2> retrieves Review list
from the Job<Review list>
<3> return the merged result ProductWithReviews
Let's execute this snippet in F# Interactive to verify the outcome
#time "on"
getProductWithReviews 1 |> run
#time "off"
--> Timing now on
Real: 00:00:05.008, CPU: 00:00:00.009, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0
val it : ProductWithReviews =
{Id = 1;
Name = "My Awesome Product";
Reviews = [("John", "It's awesome!"); ("Sam", "Great product")];}
--> Timing now off
The output is as expected but the time it took is five seconds (two to retrieve the product and three to retrive the reviews). It is because of the sequential execution of the jobs
Can we make it fast by running them parallelly?
As these two function calls are independent of each other, we can run them parallelly and then merge the results.
To do it, we are going to leverage the infix operator <*>
from Hopac
val ( <*> ): Job<'x> -> Job<'y> -> Job<'x * 'y>
The infix operator
creates a job that runs the given jobs as two separate parallel jobs and returns a pair of their results.
open Hopac.Infixes
let getProductWithReviews2 id = job {
let! product, reviews =
getProduct id <*> getProductReviews id
return {
Id = id
Name = product.Name
Reviews = reviews |> (fun r -> r.Author,r.Comment)
If we execute this new function
#time "on"
getProductWithReviews2 1 |> run
#time "off"
we will get the same output now in three seconds instead of five.
--> Timing now on
Real: 00:00:03.005, CPU: 00:00:00.008, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0
val it : ProductWithReviews =
{Id = 1;
Name = "My Awesome Product";
Reviews = [("John", "It's awesome!"); ("Sam", "Great product")];}
--> Timing now off
One of the well-thought aspects of Hopac library is its job
computation expression and its similarity with the async
computation expression makes it easier to learn and apply!
We had only scratched the surface of the Hopac library in this blog post. Hopac library has a lot of powerful abstractions in its arsenal which we will see in action in the upcoming blog posts.
The source code of this blog post is available on GitHub