Software Craftsman · Well-rounded Pragmatic, Passionate, Polyglot & Product Engineer
Helping people to have a fulfilling career in software development, turn their knowledge into wealth, and turn their software ideas into reality.

Open Source
HoneyEQL is a Clojure library enables you to query database using the EDN Query Language.
An opinionated F# Library for error handling.
FsConfig is a F# library for reading configuration data from environment variables and AppSettings with type safety.
Screencast tutorials to help people learn Computer Science & Software Development in my mother tongue Tamil.
Empowering educators & creators to turn their knowledge into wealth.

F# Applied (Jun 2016)
A Practical Guide for Web Development in F# using Suave

F# Applied II(Jan 2018)
A Practical Guide to learn how to build a real-world, production-ready, end-to-end web application in F# using the functional programming principles